Carly's Labor Day Weekend Ice Cream Sundae

Carly's Labor Day Weekend Ice Cream Sundae

Enjoy a honeybee-inspired ice cream sundae with bee pollen (instead of sprinkles) and honey (instead of chocolate syrup).

Nothing says, "It's the last long weekend of summer!" like an ice cream sundae, and Beekeeper's Naturals founder and CEO, Carly Stein, has the scoop on a great recipe you can enjoy before you head back to work. 

Skip the sprinkles and chocolate sauce and opt for hive-powered ingredients instead. Below, Carly shows you how to make a four-ingredient sundae that's inspired by the Italian Job sundae at Lilia Ristorante in Brooklyn

We hope you enjoy every last bite, and while you do just think about the key antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids you're getting thanks to the bees. Enjoy! 

Carly's Labor Day Weekend Ice Cream Sundae


You know what to do! Combine all the ingredients, grab a spoon, and dig in. 


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