NEW Raw Cacao Honey Just in Time for Easter

NEW Raw Cacao Honey Just in Time for Easter

Move on over mini eggs, there’s a new chocolate treat on the block that’s here to make your Easter basket bee-licious! We’re so excited to finally let you in on what we’ve been crafting in the BKN kitchen over the past few months: our brand new raw cacao honey!! What do you get when you take sustainably harvested raw, unpasteurized honey and mix it with organic raw cacao? You get a spoon licking, drool worthy, superfood filled game changer that tastes like milk chocolate! We created a small batch of our favorite two superfoods, cacao and honey, into one spreadable jar of goodness. But here’s the deal, we only made a limited amount for Easter, so they’ll be available until they sell out! Now, we all know chocolate is delicious, but cacao, the main ingredient in your favorite chocolate bar, also has a ton of health benefits when it’s not overpowered by sugar and nasty fillers.

What makes cacao a superfood?

Cacao helps boost your mood and has immune regulating and anti-diabetic properties. It contains flavonol, which is an antioxidant known to increase nitric oxide bioavailability, and provide anti-inflammatory effects, like reducing blood pressure! The flavonols found in cacao have also been found to reduce mental fatigue and improve brain function. Cacao has 20 times more antioxidants than blueberries and 119 times more than bananas! Cacao makes you happy, it’s basically love in every bite. BUT WHY? Well it’s because of phenylethylamine. This organic compound is known for its psychoactive and stimulating effects, aka it’s the happy compound! Phenylethylamine enhances both our mood and pleasure state, and even resembles the same feeling you get when you feel loved, or orgasm ;). Cacao also has serotonin and dopamine, both known for stimulating a happy mood and pleasure. When it comes to cacao, not all are created equal. That’s why we only use Giddy Yoyo’s raw, fair-trade, and organic cacao. This cacao comes from the remote forests of Ecuador, where it grows wild, as nature intended. It’s hand harvested by locals and is processed in the most traditional way. If you think you like chocolate now, wait until you try this cacao. So with all the nutritious powers cacao brings to the table, blended with our 100% pure wildflower honey with naturally occurring nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, you get one special concoction.

How can you enjoy our raw cacao honey?

By having a few spoonfuls raw cacao honey, you can have a healthy, but bee-licious alternative to a eating a full Hershey chocolate bar, sans guilt. And that’s not the only way consume this good stuff. How about chocolate drizzle over ice cream, or hot chocolate by using a tablespoon of raw cacao honey with a bit a almond milk. Or try swapping out maple syrup and use raw cacao honey as a chocolate topping the next time you make pancakes! Like we mentioned above, we only have a limited amount of raw cacao honey available, so if you’re interested, head on over to our shop page to get yours before they are all gone!

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